Plasma- Science and Technology
Ronald C. Davidson
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Ronald C. Davidson has been Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University since 1991, and was Director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory from 1991-1996. He received the B.Sc. degree from McMaster University in 1963, and the Ph.D. degree from Princeton University in 1966. He was Assistant Research Physicist at the University of California at Berkeley from 1966-1968, an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland from 1968-1971, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow from 1970-1972, an Associate Professor of Physics from 1971-1973, a Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland from 1973-1978, and Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1978-1991. Dr. Davidson has made numerous fundamental theoretical contributions to several areas of pure and applied plasma physics, including nonneutral plasmas, nonlinear effects and anomalous transport, kinetic equilibrium and stability properties, intense charged particle beams, advanced accelerator concepts, and coherent radiation generation by relativistic electron beams. He is the author of more than two hundred and fifty journal articles and books, including three advanced research monographs: "Methods in Nonlinear Plasma Theory" (Academic Press, New York, 1972), "Theory of Nonneutral Plasmas" (W.A. Benjamin, Reading, Massachusetts, 1974, reissued in Addison-Wesley Advanced Book Classics Series, 1989), and "Physics of Nonneutral Plasmas" (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990). During 1976-1978 he served as Assistant Director for Applied Plasma Physics, Office of Fusion Energy, Department of Energy. Dr. Davidson also served as Director of the MIT Plasma Fusion Center from 1978-1988, as the first Chairman of the DOE Magnetic Fusion Advisory Committee (MFAC) from 1982-1986, as chairman of the American Physical Society Plasma Physics Division during 1983-1984, and has participated in numerous national and international committees on plasma physics and fusion research. Dr. Davidson is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of Sigma Xi. He is also a recipient of the Department of Energy Distinguished Associate Award and the Fusion Power Associates Leadership Award, both in 1986, and recipient of The Kaul Foundation's Award for Excellence in 1993.